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Terms of Service

Terms of Service - Vehicle Wrap Design Service

1. Accepting These Terms 

By commissioning Kill The Authority you agree to everything listed in the Terms of Service.
All uses of the titles, or abbreviations "Kill The Authority", "KTA", or "ATHRTY", represents the Kill The Authority brand.
All use of the words, "design(s)", "project(s)", "order(s)", and "commission(s)" refer to Kill The Authority's service, are all interchangeable and should be treated as such. 
Use of the word “designer” may also be used to refer to the “Kill The Authority” brand.
You, (also referred to as "client") agree to all of these terms by using Kill The Authority's digital service.
Please read these terms carefully. 

2. Amendments to this Agreement 

Kill The Authority may amend the terms of this agreement (TOS) at any time based on discretion. Please check back regularly for any changes. However, by choosing to work with Kill The Authority you understand that changes can be made to the Terms of Service at any point in time. 


3. Rules and Restrictions

Rules and Restrictions include: 

Kill The Authority will not work with stolen art, this includes fan-art that is not owned by the client.
Should the client choose to use fan-art, client must have permission from the owner of the art, or already own the fan-art they request to be implemented into the design. 

Kill The Authority will not work with overly explicit content, including pornographic imagery, overly violent imagery, gore, etc.
(Use of suggestive imagery will be at Kill The Authority's discretion.)  
Kill The Authority will not work with imagery that includes discriminatory content, including any forms of hate speech, including racism, sexism, religion, sexual orientation, etc.


4. Use of Services

By commissioning Kill The Authority for a design, you (the client) own the Personal License for the design. (A Commercial License fee will be applied for designs created for business use.)  
Designs that do not fall under the commercial (business) category created by Kill The Authority are for personal use only, unless a commercial license is purchased. 

All commercial designs (business) include a Commercial License by default.

This excludes: 

- General Themed Design (including character themed designs, abstract themed designs, aesthetic designs, etc.) 
- Anime Themed Design (itasha) 
- Racing Livery / Drift Inspired Themed Design
You may not manipulate the design for resale, or claim the design as your own creation. 

Kill The Authority requests attribution when applicable. (credited, named, or tagged on social media posts) not required, however is a much appreciated courtesy. 


5. Limitation of Liability

By choosing to commission Kill The Authority for any design, you acknowledge that you are purchasing a digital service. 

Kill The Authority will store client's design files for 6 months after the initial month of project completion.
Kill The Authority urges all clients to back-up and secure their design files & assets. 
After 6 months, Kill The Authority will no longer store the designated client's project, and will no longer be held responsible if any files, or assets are lost by the client. 

If files & assets are lost by the client, this will require a new design to be created from scratch. 
The client will be required pay the full price of a new design package, as this will be treated by Kill The Authority as a new design entirely. 
Once the client approves the design, and receives all necessary design files & assets Kill The Authority is no longer responsible for the use & application of the design. 

This includes:  

- Kill The Authority is not responsible for any physical errors outside of the initial design process.
- Kill The Authority is not responsible for any errors in print production, and installation. 

This includes: design misprints, print damage, installation damage, damage to the vehicle, etc. 

Any errors which include, but not limited to, the physical production, or physical application of the design is the sole responsibility of the respective party.

Kill The Authority is solely responsible for the creation of the client's digital design. 
Kill The Authority is not responsible for any physical aspects of the client's project. 




6. Payment & Terms 

Accepted Payments: Kill The Authority currently only accepts PayPal as the primary source of accepted payment methods. 
Kill The Authority requests all clients to use *only one* PayPal e-mail when submitting deposits for designs.
This ensures all orders are tracked properly. 


By submitting payment to Kill The Authority for any design, you acknowledge that you are purchasing a digital service. 

Before any design project is started, Kill The Authority requires a 50% deposit to start a commission. 
(Clients may choose to pay in full, however this will not expedite the project's window of completion.) 

50% down deposits are not refundable after 72 hours. 


7. Abandoned Projects & Restart Fees 

Kill The Authority will consider a project abandoned after 30 days without contact from client. 
Should a client resume communication after a project has been abandoned, Kill The Authority will charge a restart fee to resume work on the client's abandoned commission. 
The restart fee will be a percentage of the project's design package.
The restart fee must be paid in full in order to resume work on the client's abandoned commission. 
Should the client abandon the project without notice for 6 months, Kill The Authority will no longer store client's project files & assets.

All deposits made on a project abandoned for 6 months, are not refundable. 
If the client submits full payment for the designated design package, and abandons the project, they may receive unrevised project files & assets. 
Abandoned projects are not refundable.  

8. Returns & Refunds 

All Kill The Authority commissions are non refundable. 

A design is considered "complete" when the client has "approved" or "greenlit" the design. 
This ensures the design is "finalized", and "complete", and this is understood by both Kill The Authority, and the client. 

All project cancellations are non refundable after 72 hours. 

If a client submits a 50% down deposit, and chooses to cancel their commission at any point in time after 72 hours of submitting payment, there is no refund. 



9. Warranties 

Kill The Authority provides no warranties, or refunds for any files & assets the client loses. 
Kill The Authority will provide storage for client's project files & assets for 6 months. 
Should the client lose files & assets after 6 months of initially receiving all project files & assets, there will be no recovery, refund, or warranty.
All products are digital items. 
Kill The Authority strongly urges all clients to back-up all files & assets regularly. 





10. Rights & Licenses 

Kill The Authority owns the rights to all designs, including images of designs to promote Kill The Authority's design service, general showcase images of designs (all images displayed on Kill The Authority brand social media handles), website portfolio images,
and any and all other necessary Kill The Authority uses.  
Kill The Authority may display client work including, but not limited to:

- “”
- Any website, social media platform, or any Kill The Authority social media handle that displays Kill The Authority's works.

Kill The Authority agrees and acknowledges that all client work is produced with the intent that it will be unique to each client, and will never be resold in any capacity.
You, the client own the design for personal use, unless a Commercial License is purchased, or if a Commercial Design (business) is commissioned. 

Personal License use includes:

- All personal uses apply.

- May not promote a business entity (sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, or partnership) (this includes non-profit organizations), where financial gain or other consideration is either sought or a result, directly or indirectly, of licensee’s use of the licensed asset.
(commissioned design).

Commercial License use includes:

- May promote a business (sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, or partnership)
where financial gain or other consideration is either sought or a result, directly or indirectly, of licensee’s use of the licensed asset, (commissioned design).

Upon request and signage of NDA, Kill The Authority will not display work to public until NDA term is over.

You are not permitted to promote *any* Kill The Authority design as your own creation. 


11. Termination & Service Denial  

Kill The Authority reserves the right to terminate any project at any time without limitation if this agreement has been breached. 
Kill The Authority reserves the right to terminate any project at any time based on discretion.
Kill The Authority reserves the right to deny service for any reason based on discretion. 




12. Contract Details

All Kill The Authority clients will be provided a project proposal and contract with every commission. 
All clients must sign this contract to work with Kill The Authority. 
All clients must sign this contract to indicate that they understand, accept, and agree to these terms.

All clients must sign this contract to indicate that they understand, accept, and agree to the designated project details, which includes:
Price breakdown, project price, window of completion, deliverables, payment & terms, termination of service (if applicable), refund policy,
all personal license & commercial license details, all limitations of liability, all uses of service, all rules & restrictions. 
(Every item listed in the Terms of Service on, and within the client's project proposal.)
Any and all additional provided terms and conditions within the proposal and provided contract. 

Work on commission will not commence until client signs the provided contract, and a 50% payment is received.

Upon providing an electronic, or scanned signature:
Client indicates that they agree to the Terms of Service, and all additional provided terms and conditions within the project proposal and provided contract. 

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